Magical Majestic Maine

What is it about Maine that makes it “Magical Majestic Maine?” Let me count the ways. But, before I elaborate, here’s information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, occasional infuences from art history, studio sales and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, […]
Safe Haven

What made me name this painting Safe Haven? I can’t wait to share with you! But, before I elaborate, here’s information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, occasional infuences from art history and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello and […]
Will You Find A Way

Well, will you find a way, gentle reader? A way to ‘what’ you might ask? Before I elaborate I will share information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, occasional infuences from art history and inspiration. Whether this is your first or millionth visit here, hiya, hello […]
Do the Trees Speak

Why in the world would I ask you (and myself) “Do the Trees Speak?” I will share my thoughts here today, gentle reader! But first, here is information about this blog. This is a place where, each week, I share my paintings, process, occasional infuences from art history and inspiration. Whether this is your first […]