Clearing on the Horizon

Is there a clearing on the horizon? These days? Who knows gentle reader. I will share more on this in a bit. But first, let’s welcome new readers to this blog. To see the purpose of this post here’s a link. What is on the Horizon In a word or two, who knows, right? Here’s […]
In Search of OM

Are you in search of OM gentle reader? Well, I don’t know much but I do know that the gourds in this painting are in search of OM. But before I explain that, I want to welcome new readers here. Welcome! And, if you’re interested in an explanation of the purpose of this post and […]
Fall Colors Are Here

You guessed it, fall colors are here, gentle reader! Are you as excited as I am about this time of year? I hope so. And, if you’re not, perhaps you will feel more excited after reading this post? Maybe? Stay tuned to read more. But first, I welcome new readers here today. And, if you […]
Abundance is in the Air

What makes me suggest that abundance is in the air? Ah! So many things including this week’s painting of the same name. But, before I explain, please let me welcome new readers here. Welcome! And, here’s a link describing the purpose of this post and blog. Why Abundance Because it’s pumpkin season! Pumpkins symbolize abundance. […]