Simple Things

Haven’t you found it’s the simple things that bring joy these days? Whether it’s a walk or a face to face visit outdoors with a friend, these simple things are the best. Aren’t they? Welcome dear reader! This week I’ll also share a painting in history that I chose as an inspiration for my own […]
Carolina in the Pines

Why Carolina in the Pines and not Carolina on my Mind? Read on! This time of year when the leaves are down, I just love the way Pine trees pop into view. It makes me think of one of my favorite songs in college (gasp – before I ever even knew I would end up […]
Three Ways to Grow

The way I see it these days, there are three ways to grow, dear reader. And, I will share those ways with you here today. But before I get too far down the road, here’s a hellooo and welcome to new readers. Also, I’ll offer a quick refresher to all of you about the purpose […]
Keep it in Your Pantry

I’ll never forget the first time I heard the song entitled “Keep it in Your Pantry.” It’s the title of a song by Lyle Lovett. The lyrics crack me up. And, who doesn’t need to have a few laughs these days? But before I continue, let’s welcome new readers to this blog and explain it’s […]