Human Being

Human Being

Well hello human being! I had fully expected to share my latest still life painting with you this week. It’s ready to go and fresh off the easel. And, then the Christian Cooper, avid bird watcher incident happened. You can click on the link in the previous sentence to get the skinny if you happened […]

Homage to Cezanne

Homage to Cezanne

In 2014, there was a show of Cezanne’s work at the Barnes museum in Philadelphia. So, is that why I decided to name this week’s painting “Homage to Cezanne?” Actually, no. The reason I set this still life up is that I have learned a bit more about Cezanne, his influence and art in an […]

Lend a hand

Lend a hand

Why call this post “Lend a hand?” For the past several months…ok for the past 406 days, I have been drawing hands. This week I share why I started, what I have learned and why I will continue this practice. And, given our current pandemic ridden world, I think it’s cool to share images of […]

Bell Peppers

Bell Peppers

Shazam Red Bell Peppers are so healthy! In fact, seems you can replace those Vitamin C supplements right now. Hold on, I am getting ahead of myself here. Let me remind you that this painting is a part of my “Favorite Things” series. What is that? Well, each week since the beginning of 2020, I […]