2020 Studio Sale

It’s time for the 2020 Studio Sale here at Julie Holmes Studio. Earlier this week, I notified my email subscribers about this sale. It’s exciting to report that several of my paintings have already sold, thanks to loyal subscribers. Woohoo! Before I continue on I want to welcome new subscribers (welcome!) and remind everyone what this post and blog are all about.
Favorite Things
In early 2020, I pledged to paint a painting each week and blog about it. The name of this weekly series of paintings is Favorite Things. Why? Well, because I choose objects, typically food, that I love to eat. But, I paint it first and then, if it’s still edible, I’ll eat it! This means each week I write about a painting and the process. You are welcome to follow along as I share the ups and downs of this studio and painting life I lead. To do so, simply sign up here. You’ll receive a lively and colorful blog post each week, get a first look at my latest painting or drawing and get early notification of sales, too. Let’s move onward to this week’s Studio Sale, shall we?
Luscious Ripe Fig
The painting featured in this post entitled “Luscious Ripe Fig” is one of the first paintings I shared in this year’s blog. And, I’m excited to share that it has sold in this month’s Holiday Sale and is ready to head to it’s new home! Yay! I love when this happens.
More Paintings For Sale
If you are still hoping to have a painting of your very own or for someone you care about, there are still paintings for sale. There are several gouache paintings like the Persimmon painting below entitled “Bountiful One.” Imagine owning some original art for less than $30! Here’s the link to purchase this painting. Please order this or any other of the paintings from the Online Gallery no later than December 9, 2020.

Donation to the Food Bank of North Carolina
Bonus! If you purchase a painting from the online gallery by December 9, 2020, I will make a donation of 10% of the purchase price to the Food Bank of North Carolina. Here’s another example of a painting you can still purchase. It has festive and seasonal colors, too.

Each of these paintings are small enough to make a lovely gift. This one in particular, entitled “Tipping Point” is on sale. Originally $375, you can now purchase this painting for just $225 by clicking on this link.
Tis the Season
Once you make your purchase, I will be in touch with you about timing and shipping! I rely on the USPS and really do enjoy converting our dining room into shipping central to make sure you receive your purchase on time. But, just a gentle reminder to plan to place your order no later than December 9 just to be on the safe side. OK?
Here’s a fun shot of our dining room aka mail room central from this week’s purchases. I’m so grateful for each and every one.

2021 Ideas and Dreams
For the past several weeks I have been scheming and dreaming about drawings and paintings I want to pursue. I haven’t quite clarified everything yet. But when I do, I will look forward to sharing them with you here.
Based upon what you have seen here in 2020, do you have any thoughts or ideas of paintings you would like to see? I am curious to hear what you think. Do share in the comments below. And, thank you as always for looking at my work, reading here and commenting too!